Sunday, June 1, 2008

Once Upon a...What?

Once upon a time, a young girl dreamed of living in the city (New York that is) and attending a prestigious university (New York that is)...following the trend? Too bad life isn't a fairytale and curves are thrown in to sweep you off that idealistic path...

All of a sudden here I am four years later. I had an apartment in the city for three great years, graduated with a dual degree in journalism and English from NYU, but always found myself coming back to good 'ol suburban Long Island on the weekends. I wasn't sure what it was. Growing up here, I had my family and established wonderful friendships. The people I met in the city, however, were the ones who gave me a breath of fresh air. When you're in you're late teens gracefully overflowing into your 20's, it's hard to afford the razzle and dazzle of the big city. I always found that just briskly walking the streets as my own runway was suitable and amazing enough. Even though I continue to buy those $10-20 shirts and dresses from vintage shops and "Forever 21," one day I'll be able to afford that gorgeous white dress I've stared at for weeks in the front window of "French Connection."

We all dream to be Carrie Bradshaws don't we? Well, we meaning young women writers. There's a reason it's fiction--it's there for us to want it, there for us to enjoy it, and there for one day possibly making it non-fiction. As my opening post, I bring to you the real deal behind SUBURBIA. Something there's always a curve in...hence Sub"Curvia." It's not always about sex, gossip, and sin...well, only the good stories contain that...but it's more about how you deal with it and the good that you can always find at home. The city is the love of my life, but if it weren't for the island of the Long...would I have ever fulfilled my city dream at such a young age? Right now I figure to do a bit more searching in this place I've come to be so familiar with---plus, being a recent graduate and having no idea what I want to do, I'll have the time to research. Maybe once I get that $30,000 magazine job---the city will have its number one fan back in business on a budget. Until then, stay tuned and stay curved.